Sunday, October 08, 2006

watcher on the shore Posted by Picasa
lines of storm Posted by Picasa
creatures of the white water. Posted by Picasa
reflection in light and shadow Posted by Picasa
the story within the wave Posted by Picasa
Because of the splash Posted by Picasa
a gentle swell kissed by the sun Posted by Picasa
for the joy of life Posted by Picasa
Shore front dawn. Posted by Picasa
Memory of the high point. Posted by Picasa
Autumn sunrise. Posted by Picasa
Pride in their work no matter how mundane. Posted by Picasa
harvest of the last tide Posted by Picasa
gentle ripples leave their mark. Posted by Picasa
St Mary's watching the coming front. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, September 07, 2006

as one industry sleeps the other awakens. Posted by Picasa
with the fishing fleet in decline, he took a job that used his local knowledge. Posted by Picasa
Full english breakfast with this view. Not a bad reward for getting up early. Posted by Picasa
Lighthouse saving power. Posted by Picasa
perfect flying weather Posted by Picasa
the morning paddle. Posted by Picasa
upon the past the line of summer is built. Posted by Picasa
resting at the end of it's shift. Posted by Picasa
The retreating ripples filled with memories. Posted by Picasa
Jogging paradise. Posted by Picasa